A group of doctors sitting around in front of windows.

Certified Working Genius Facilitation

As certified Working Genius facilitators, we help individuals and teams identify the activities that leverage their best energies and bring them joy and satisfaction in what they do, resulting in enhanced productivity and collaboration. Through tailored workshops, we unleash the collective genius within your organization.

This model can be used in a variety of ways to bring greater success and fulfillment:

  • Leadership development/coaching
  • Job alignment/adjustments
  • Team cohesion and productivity
  • Creating a common language for
  • Clarity around stages of work
A blue circle with the words " working genius " written in it.

Exclusive Executive Peer Group

EPIC21 offers a unique opportunity for CEOs, business owners, and C-Suite decision-makers to join an intimate Executive Peer Group. Comprising a maximum of 16 members, our peer group fosters an environment of confidentiality and trust where members openly discuss business and personal challenges. Through candid conversations and collective wisdom, members navigate complexities and find solutions together.

Expertly Facilitated Executive Sessions

Our meetings, held on the 1st Thursday of each month from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm, blend structured discussions with expert presentations on topics relevant to leadership and strategic initiatives. The Chair and members ensure each session is interactive, productive, and engaging, fostering a culture of growth and the critical leadership qualities of humility, vulnerability, and the courage to do the right things.

Strategic Alignment Strategies

EPIC21 facilitates alignment among senior leaders through structured meetings and strategic interventions. Quarterly, semi-annual, or annual sessions allow members to synchronize goals, address challenges, and capitalize on opportunities, ensuring organizational synergy and effectiveness.

Coaching and Mentorship

Individually tailored coaching, mentorship, and consulting services are at the core of EPIC21's offerings. Our seasoned Chair, based in La Crosse, WI, conducts monthly 1-2-1 meetings with each member. These sessions, lasting 90-120 minutes, delve into leadership, strategic issues, and personal development, setting the stage for group discussions.


I have been a member of EPIC for over three years and it has been extremely beneficial on both a personal and professional level. Being able to discuss some of the challenging issues we all encounter with a talented peer group such as EPIC is an invaluable resource.

Mike Bakalars; Owner Bakalars Sausage Company, Inc.